Concernant mon souci morale, la situation de mon pays a rendu la vie t tłumaczenie - Concernant mon souci morale, la situation de mon pays a rendu la vie t angielski jak to powiedzieć

Concernant mon souci morale, la sit

Concernant mon souci morale, la situation de mon pays a rendu la vie très difficile, en ce moment. Tu connais un peu, les condition de vie dans mon pays. Et pour ce mois ci, je vis la plus pire de misère, en sachant que je dois faire l'effort de me maintenir, pendant deux mois, afin de me retrouver comme auparavant sans aucun souci d'argent. Je pris afin d'y parvenir à payer mon loyer, ma connexion, et électricité, puis la facture d'eau pour ne pas à me retrouver au village ( campagne ). Mais, actuellement, j'aurai bien de mal à subvenir à mes besoins, de approvisionner en denrée alimentaire et autre. Je n'ai jamais voulu te raconter tout cela, mais, j'aimerai bien améliorer mes conditions de vie, étant ici, afin de ne pas à avoir de souci, et m'épanouir un jour profondément, en vivant le paradis sur terre. Mais bon, ce n'est pas permis à tout le monde. Je ne vais pas trop en parler, je pense bien que nous lions simplement une bonne relation sincère, pour la gâchée maintenant, en te demandant de l'aide. Difficile en rencontrant une personnes a travers le net.

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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Concerning my moral concern, the situation in my country has made life very difficult, at this time. You know a few, the condition of life in my country. And for this month, I saw the worst misery, knowing that I have to make the effort to keep me for two months, in order to get as before with no concern money. I took to achieve this to pay my rent, my connection, and electricity and water bills to do not to get to the village (country). But now, well I hard to meet my needs, of foodstuff and other supplies. I've never wanted to tell you all this, but I'd like to improve my living conditions, being here, so not to worry, and grow one day deeply, living paradise on Earth. But hey, it is not permitted to everyone. I will not too much talk about it, I think although we just link a good sincere relationship, for the wasted now, asking for help. Difficult when encountering a people through the net.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
About my moral concern, the situation of my country has made life very difficult right now. You know a little, the living conditions in my country. And for this month, I saw the misery worse, knowing that I have to make the effort to keep me for two months to find me as before with no money worries. I took in order to come to pay my rent, my connection, and electricity and water bills not to find myself in the village (campaign). But now, I will have much difficulty support myself, to stock up on food and other. I never wanted to tell you all this, but I would love to improve my living conditions, being here in order not to have to worry, and develop myself one day profoundly, living heaven on earth. But hey, it is not possible for everyone. I will not talk too much, I think that we link just a good honest relationship to the mix now, asking you for help. Difficult meeting a person through the net.

Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
Concerning my moral concern, the situation of my country has made life very difficult, at this time. Thou know a little bit, the condition of life in my country. And for this month, i screw the more worst of misery, knowing that I must make the effort to keep me, for two months, in order for me to be back as before without any worry of money. I took in order to achieve this to pay my rent,My connection, and electricity, and then the water bill for not to meet me in the village ( campaign ). But, currently, I will have much difficulty in supporting themselves my needs, supplying foodstuff and other. I have never wanted to tell you all this, but, I'd like improve my living conditions, being here, in order not to have to worry, and i flourish one day deeply,Living in paradise on earth. But good, this is not allowed in all the world. I am not too much talk about it, I think although we lions simply a good sincere relationship, for the spoiled now, in te asking for help. Difficult in meeting a people across the net.

Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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