Pour ta préoccupation, je te comprends très bien, car je suis un belle tłumaczenie - Pour ta préoccupation, je te comprends très bien, car je suis un belle angielski jak to powiedzieć

Pour ta préoccupation, je te compre

Pour ta préoccupation, je te comprends très bien, car je suis un belle femme. Moi, je suis une veuve femme, cela fais maintenant 3 ans, que je vis seul sans un homme.
Sincèrement dit, je suis beaucoup côtoyé par les hommes dans mon pays. Mais, je veux un homme célibataire, honnête, aimable, et sincère. Car, les jeunes de mon âges aiment jouer avec la femme.
La plus part des hommes que je rencontres sont déjà mariés. Tu sais, je ne veux pas Pour moi, l'âge n'est pas très important en amour. Tu as déjà une grande considération à ma personnalité, et beaucoup de respect pour moi. Un homme de 60 ans dira qu'il n'est pas intéressé par les femmes de plus de 50 ans. En Afrique, les hommes âges respectent beaucoup leur femme, et prennent bien soins de leur femme. Je crois en toi, et j'ai une confiance en toi. Je ne suis pas gêne par notre relation, car elle est acceptée par ma population. Dis-moi vraiment, si tu te sens gêne avec moi.

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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
For your concern, I understand you very well, because I am a beautiful woman. Me, I'm a widow woman, this do now 3 years old, I live alone without a man. Honestly said, I am much frequented by men in my country. But, I want a single, honest, kind, and honest man. Because young people my age love to play with the wife. The most part of men that I dating are already married. You know, I do not want for me, age is not very important in love. You already have a great consideration to my personality, and a lot of respect for me. A 60-year-old man said that he is not interested in women over 50 years. In Africa, men ages much respect their wives, and take good care of their woman. I believe in you, and I have confidence in you. I am not gene by our relationship, because it is accepted by my people. Really, tell me if you feel discomfort with me.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
For your concern, I understand you very well, because I am a beautiful woman. I am a widow, doing this now 3 years old, I live alone without a man.
Honestly said, I rubbed a lot of men in my country. But I want a single man, honest, kind, and sincere. For people my age love to play with women.
Most of the men I meet are already married. You know, I do not want for me, age is not very important in love. You already have great respect to my personality and a lot of respect for me. A 60 year old man will say he is not interested in women over 50 years. In Africa, many ages men respect their wives, and take good care of their wives. I believe in you, and I have confidence in you. I do not interfere with our relationship because it is accepted by my people. Tell me really, if you feel discomfort with me.

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Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
For thy concern, I understand you very well, because I am a beautiful woman. Me, I am a widow woman, it am now 3 years ago, that i screws alone without a man.
Sincerely said, I am much flirted with by the men in my country. But, I want a single man, honest, friendly, and sincere. Because, the young people of my age like to play with the woman.
Most of the men that i met are already married. You know, I do not want for me, age is not very important in love. Thou hast already a large account to my personality, and a lot of respect for me. A 60 year old man will say that he is not interested in the women of more than 50 years. In Africa, the older men respect very much their woman,And take good care of their wife. I believe in thee, and I have a trust in thee. I am not embarrassed by our relationship, because it is accepted by my population. Tell me really, if thou meaning embarrassed with me.

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